Luxury product marketplace

Home to high-end European designer labels, Cosette is a well-known marketplace for who ever wants to buy itself a luxury good. But how is the customer experience through the website ?

User experience

UX Workshop


Design system






UX/UI designer

homepage du site client

Improve the customer experience by identifying "weak spots"

Since 2014, Cosette's marketplace has been attracting more and more visitors, and their product offering has been evolving accordingly.
In collaboration with the client's marketing and development teams, I conducted UX workshop that helped us identify an action plan.
The first step was to migrate the website layout to Figma, allowing us to iterate conveniently. The second step was to map all existing screens and prototype the various user journeys. Prototyping these user flow enabled us to make quick and effective changes based on the Ergonomic Criteria of Bastien and Scapin, and then test and validate our hypotheses.

Re-think the customer’s journey : prototype, test, improve, and test again.

When it comes to enhancing existing features, iterations and user testing are crucial for making progress.

This phase involved researches, prototyping, and testing to determine which solutions were most effective, allowing us to refine them or pivot completely if necessary. Given the large customer base of the website, drastic changes to navigation and information layout can be disruptive for visitors. Our goal was to implement improvements gradually, over an extended period, to ensure that customers adapted smoothly with each visit to the website.

figma file
wireframes product page
website mobile view
Screens of the website


Parnership with

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